Santa Rosa Community Acupuncture welcomes two highly skilled acupuncturists to our community acupuncture practice. With the addition of Melanie Wilkinson LAc and Frank Cubilllo LAc, we have increased our capacity to help people in the greater Santa Rosa area with myriad health issues in our comfortable, affordable setting. Each practitioner brings special training and knowledge in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), enhancing our offerings and increasing scheduling options.
Melanie Wilkinson, LAc Brings Endocrine & Fertility Health Expertise to SRCA
Melanie is a licensed acupuncturist and a NCCAOM Diplomate of Oriental Medicine. She specializes in a TCM approach to stress management, weight loss, and fertility and endocrine disorders using traditional Chinese diagnostics, herbs and acupuncture to restore patients to healthy function in these areas. At American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine (ACTCM) in San Francisco, where she earned her Master of Science degree, Melanie interned with world-renowned fertility specialist Dr. Lifang Liang. Melanie is also highly skilled in the areas of acute and chronic pain, mental health disorders, gastro-intestinal and digestive conditions, and facial rejuvenation techniques.
Melanie has been practicing acupuncture in the county since 2014 and is very excited to be a part of the SRCA team and helping its patients maintain physical and mental health. Melanie was inspired and amazed by the healing power of traditional Chinese medicine to create balance in our bodies and carries that reverence into her practice.
“Using TCM to help heal people is one of the greatest honors and sources of joy in my life,” Melanie says. Other sources of joy include spending time with her family, doing yoga, “dipping her toes” in the Russian River and reading.
Frank Cubillo, LAc Brings Mental Health and Uro-genital Health Expertise to SRCA
Frank has a passion for helping people along their journeys to mental, spiritual, emotional, and sexual health, and has studied extensively regarding the role of trauma in that dynamic. Frank received his MS in Acupuncture and TCM from Acupuncture and Integrative Medicine College in Berkeley. Frank is also an herbalist who can prescribe Chinese herbal formulas to support your physical and mental wellbeing.
When he’s not in clinic, Frank enjoys creating works of art, meditating, and reading. With a deep connection to the natural world, he also enjoys the ocean, forests, and traveling to hot springs.
Schedule an Acupuncture Appointment Today with One of SRCA’s Newest Practitioners
TCM brings your body’s systems into balance, helping your body to heal itself. This is achieved with acupuncture, dietary adjustments, and individualized Chinese herbal formulas.
At SRCA, we believe that everyone can benefit from TCM. With the combined expertise available in our practice, there’s no time like the present to get started on a path to better health. With the addition of Frank and Melanie, we have increased availability, with appointments to fit any schedule. With the community acupuncture model and sliding scale, accessing the time-tested healing powers of Traditional Chinese Medicine has never been more affordable. Our patients also benefit from the group healing dynamic. There’s something very powerful and reassuring when a room full of people are relaxing and healing with you.
Clinic hours for our new practitioners, effective September 2023, are as follows:
Melanie: Tuesdays 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Frank: Fridays 10:00 am – 1:00 pm & Saturdays 11:00 am – 3:30 pm
Viola will see patients Mondays and Thursdays 1:30pm-5:30pm